AccrualNet Community of Practice: Guidelines for Moderators

A ‘Community of Practice’ (CoP) is a group of people who share a passion or concern for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. AccrualNetTM Communities are invitation-only groups that create a ‘virtual meeting place’ for members with a shared purpose to convene around common issues related to clinical trial accrual regardless of geographic or financial constraints.

As the Moderator of a Community, the way you interact and participate will shape your Community. These guidelines will help you build your community:

  • Create a congenial, professional community: Prompt your members to introduce themselves, share a personal tidbit, post a picture on their profile and use their names—all activities that help members ‘know’ each other.
  • Foster a useful and spirited discussion: Encourage your members to express differing points of view! Posts will be read by a number of people over time, so be an advocate for thoughtful communications. Recognize your members’ varying levels of experience and comfort in communicating in the social media environment. As Moderator, you set the tone and lead by example.
  • Own your words: Establish a setting with respectful and appropriate conversations. Your members will publish their own posts. You do not have to prescreen or edit postings, but we do expect that you will watch for and report anything that violates the NCI Comment Policy. Please contact the AccrualNetTM Team if you have questions or need a post removed.
  • Make a Community that works for you and your members: Promote participation and transparency; demonstrate responsiveness, consensus orientation, accountability; encourage creative thinking, active conversation and sharing—all of these things will help you build an active, vibrant community that supports clinical trial accrual.
  • Become an expert on the resources in AccrualNetTM and promote them in your Community!