CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

NDEP is a partnership of the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and more than 200 public and private organizations.

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Operations Committee

The NDEP Operations Committee (OC) is a standing committee charged with determining how to implement and coordinate NDEP’s activities and Task Groups and ensuring synergy between all the components of the NDEP Partnership Network. Activities performed by this committee include:

  • Assisting with guiding implementation of an annual action plan, suggesting Task Groups, helping to develop plans for specific tasks, helping to identify partners, and suggesting implementation and evaluation activities.
  • Assisting in identifying needs/gaps and the feasibility of implementing suggestions from the strategic plan.
  • Identifying the need for Task Groups and recommending members to the Executive Committee. As appropriate to the task assigned, each Task Group should have members with expertise in translating science, communications and promotion, community intervention, multicultural engagement, and evaluation.
  • Assisting in identifying needed expertise and partner organizations with this expertise.
  • Providing linkage, coordination, and monitoring across activities and Task Groups and ensuring continuity of projects.
  • Participating on Task Groups or providing subject matter expertise to Task Groups as needed.
  • Ensuring regular communications with and feedback from Stakeholder Groups.

The OC includes members drawn from the broad NDEP Partnership Network with individual or organizational expertise in translating science, evaluation, multicultural engagement, community interventions, and communication and promotion.

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