Divisions of the National Human Genome Research Institute

Division of Policy, Communications, and Education

The Division of Policy, Communications, and Education serves as the National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) link to the community at large and provides a focal point for NHGRI policy development. The division advises the NHGRI Director and other Institute leadership on a comprehensive range of issues relevant to the NHGRI research portfolio, providing leadership and coordination for policy and outreach activities. The division is charged with representing the institute to other agencies and policy makers, including Congress and serves as a resource on genomics and related scientific advances and opportunities on National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services and other trans-federal committees. The division is a focal point for the synthesis of trans-Institute expertise on research, education and policy topics relevant to the implications of genomics research and technology for health and society.


The division's mission is to promote the integration and utilization of genomic knowledge to advance human health and society. The division achieves this mission by engaging broad communities of stakeholders in the Institute's activities and promoting dialog and awareness of the potential implications of the application of this knowledge within society. Stakeholder communities include: the general public, advocacy organizations, news media, non-profit organizations, professional societies, academic institutions, policy makers, educators, students, healthcare professionals, researchers, Congress, the Department of Health and Human Services, the National Institutes of Health and the advisors to NHGRI. To achieve its aims, The division collaborates closely with the intramural and extramural research divisions within NHGRI, as well as with other partners across NIH.


  1. To inform and educate stakeholders about genomic research, applications and issues.
  2. To facilitate stakeholder participation in the development and implementation of NHGRI initiatives.
  3. To encourage the application of genomic technologies and information within society through positive and empowering mechanisms.


Division Director

Laura Lyman Rodriguez, Ph.D.
E-mail: rodrigla@mail.nih.gov

Scientific Program Analysts

Alice Bailey
E-mail: baileyali@mail.nih.gov

Rosann Wise
E-mail: wisern@mail.nih.gov

Program Coordinator

Nicole Moore
E-mail: mooren3@mail.nih.gov

Division of Policy, Communications, and Education Staff


Division of Policy, Communications, and Education
National Human Genome Research Institute
National Institutes of Health
Building 31, Room 4B09
9000 Rockville Pike, MSC 2152
Rockville, MD 20892

Phone: (301) 594-7165
Fax: (301) 402-0381

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Last Updated: November 26, 2012