
Program Snapshot

The Common Fund's Epigenomics Program includes a series of complementary initiatives aimed at generating new research tools, technologies, datasets, and infrastructure to accelerate our understanding of how genome-wide chemical modifications to DNA regulate gene activity without altering the DNA sequence itself and what role these modifications play in health and disease.


A Scientific Illustration of How Epigenetic Mechanisms Can Affect Health


Program Highlights

Epigenomics researchers uncover new chemical modifications on DNA associated proteins
Epigenomics researchers uncover new chemical modifications on DNA associated proteins


Embryonic and induced-pluripotent stem cells reveal own molecular signature
Embryonic and induced-pluripotent stem cells reveal own molecular signature


Mapping the Human Epigenome: A Community Resource
Mapping the Human Epigenome: A Community Resource


Epigenomes Around the World

Epigenomes around the world: International Human Epigenome ConsortiumThe Epigenomics Program is part of the International Human Epigenome Consortium that aims to coordinate worldwide epigenome mapping and characterization efforts.

Read more about the IHEC... Exit Disclaimer

NEW! Provide feedback on how to facilitate use of the Epigenomics Program Data Resource!

The Epigenomics program has generated over 2300 freely available datasets spanning over 150 unique cell and tissue types. How could this rich resource be most useful for your research? What are the challenges you face when using these data? The NIH has published a Request for Information to gather feedback on what new information, tools, and methods are needed to improve data accessibility, analysis, and integration.

Read the Request for Information: Research Needs to Facilitate Broad Community Use of the Roadmap Epigenomics Program Data Resource

Tips and Tools for Using Epigenomics Resources

NEW! ENCODE/Roadmap Epigenomics Tutorial

NEW! A Guide to the Epigenome Exit Disclaimer

NEW! Epigenomics: The New Technologies of Chromatin Analysis Exit Disclaimer

Overview of Epigenomics program resources
Tips and Tools for using Epigenomics Resources
Human Epigenome Browser Exit Disclaimer and Browser Description Exit Disclaimer

Program Highlights

Epigenomics researchers publish new study linking genetic variation and gene regulation in many common diseases NEW! Epigenomics researchers publish new study linking genetic variation and gene regulation in many common diseases

Dr. John Stamatoyannopoulos and colleagues, supported in part by the Common Fund’s Epigenomics program, have discovered that genetic differences linked to a wide variety of diseases influence how genes are turned on, or expressed. These results provide new insight into disease mechanisms, and suggest novel targets for therapeutics development and disease prevention strategies for a wide variety of common diseases.

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Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives  •  National Institutes of Health  •  Bethesda, Maryland 20892