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NIST Tours

Due to security concerns, NIST no longer offers tours for the general public.

NIST offers technically oriented guided tours for professionals in government, industry, and the scientific and technical communities including research universities. Tours are tailored for the interests of the visiting group.

NIST also offers a limited number of guided tours for college and university students and students in grades 8 through 12. Tours are tailored for the visiting group and priority is given to those with educational interests in science and engineering.

A minimum of four weeks advance request is required for tours. Availability depends on previously scheduled tours.

  • Gaithersburg Tour Contact
    Gayle Swenson, (301) 975-2770.

  • Boulder Tour Contacts
    Those wishing to take a tour must contact James Burrus (303) 497-4789; james.burrus@nist.gov to make required security arrangements.

  • International Visitors
    NIST does not routinely provide scheduled tours for international visitors. However, as requested, specific technical meetings may be coordinated according to the interests of the visitor(s). Contact: Joy Foster, (301) 975-3071.