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There’s a lot to deal with on the Internet—cyberbullies, privacy settings, gossip, and even creeps. These resources can help you navigate the Internet while guarding your reputation.

Real-Life Stories

These videos feature the real stories of actual teens who have been victimized online and want you to learn from their mistakes. When you hear their stories, you’ll learn to evaluate your own online choices and understand why talking to an adult you trust is so important.

Teens Talk Back

Teens have a lot to say—especially about online drama. Watch this collection of videos to hear what your peers are saying about issues like cyberbullying, social networking, and online gaming.

Report to CyberTipline

If you or someone you know has been victimized by someone you met online, report them to You should report anyone who sends you obscene photos or videos, anyone who talks to you about sex, and anyone who asks you to meet offline. Stand up for yourself and make sure no one else becomes a victim.