Sign in to use barcode.

Barcode Submission Tool

NOTE: The Barcode Submission Tool now uses MyNCBI to authenticate logins. Previous Barcode users who have exisiting NCBI PDA login accounts should use the same PDA Username and Password to sign in to MyNCBI now.

What are Barcodes?

Barcodes are short nucleotide sequences from a standard genetic locus for use in species identification. Currently, the Barcode sequence being accepted for animals is a 5' 650 base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. For the submission of loci other than mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), please use BankIt

What does this tool do?

The Barcode Submission tool provides for streamlined online submission of Barcode sequences into GenBank. With this tool, one can:

How does the tool work with MyNCBI Login System?

MyNCBI allows you to create an account that will act as your gateway to NCBI's databases and submission tools, such as the Barcode Submission Tool. MyNCBI associates your Barcode submissions with your login name and remembers your contact information to expedite future Barcode submissions. The Barcode tool also associates your most recent incomplete submission with your MyNCBI login name; if you're interrupted while submitting a Barcode submission, you can return to the tool to complete the submission later.

To register through MyNCBI, follow the 'Sign in to use BankIt' link at the top of the Barcode homepage and click the 'Register for an account' link on the left side of the resulting MyNCBI Sign In page.

To Sign in, enter your Username and Password on that same page after you have completed the registration process. NOTE: Previous Barcode users who have exisiting NCBI PDA login accounts should use the same PDA username and password to sign in to MyNCBI now.

In order to ensure that the user currently using the Barcode submission tool is the person submitting the Barcode submission, you will be prompted for your MyNCBI user name and password before you begin a Barcode submission.

What is needed to submit a Barcode set?