Richard Dale


Libertarian leaning, social moderate, unapologetic supporter, cyclist, history buff . On Facebook as

Colorado, USA
Joined March 2013

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  1. retweeted

    It will be interesting to see if identity politics will be as effective for Dems in 2016 as they were in 2014 (not)

  2. retweeted

    Freeing delegates to vote for whomever they want at convention might make most influential

  3. retweeted

    So-called Iran “deal” is bad for Colorado’s energy future.

  4. retweeted

    I'll be speaking today at the Denver Athletic Club. Please join us!

  5. retweeted

    Well well well. Jorge Ramos Discloses Daughter Works for Hillary Clinton's Presidential Campaign

  6. retweeted

    Looks like it's time to start indicting and arresting assholes

  7. retweeted

    Looks like the party of old, white men

  8. retweeted

    How about “AND the employees responsible should be fired?"

  9. Honestly, , where are the candidates?

  10. retweeted

    Majority of hateful people I have crossed are lefty's Bitter, envious, resentful Just saying

  11. Richard Dale followed , , and 8 others
  12. retweeted

    Decidedly un-presidential comments

  13. retweeted

    America is great when Americans do great things. CO's birth control pgm gets $2M private donation

  14. retweeted

    America is great when Americans take initiative to do great things - govt not required

  15. Can't wait to see supporting THIS guy for President!

  16. retweeted

    Americans' Views of Oil and Gas Industry Improving

  17. retweeted

    is covering from afar. Here's one reason why:

  18. retweeted

    Colorado health advocates stepping up to support 's vital work. should learn from us!

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