IG Frequently Asked Questions

These are the most frequently asked questions about the Inspector General.

Click on a question to be directed to the explanation within this page.

What is an Inspector General's (IG) mission?
Are IGs independent?
Who oversees the IGs?
How are the results of an IG's work communicated?
How does an IG contribute to good government?


What is an Inspector General's (IG) mission?

Per the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, an Inspector General's mission is to:

  • conduct independent and objective audits, investigations and inspections
  • prevent and detect waste, fraud and abuse
  • promote economy, effectiveness and efficiency
  • review pending legislation and regulation
  • keep the agency head and Congress fully and currently informed

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Are IGs independent?

Yes, IGs are independent. While by law, IGs are under the general supervision of the agency head or deputy; neither the agency head nor the deputy can prevent or prohibit an IG from conducting an audit or investigation. The IGs are authorized to:

  • have direct access to all records and information of the agency
  • have ready access to the agency head
  • conduct such investigations and issue such reports as the IG thinks appropriate (with limited national security and law enforcement exceptions)
  • issue subpoenas for information and documents outside the agency (with same limited exceptions)
  • administer oaths for taking testimony
  • hire and control their own staff and contract resources

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Who oversees the IGs?

  • The IGs serve under the general supervision of the agency head. Yet, by statute, IGs have a dual and independent reporting relationship to the agency head and to the Congress.
  • Allegations of misconduct against an IG should be referred to the Integrity Committee of the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE).

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How are the results of an IG's work communicated?

IGs issue a variety of written reports such as:

  • audit, investigative, and inspection/evaluation reports prepared in accordance with professional standards
  • quarterly and semiannual reports to the Congress that describe the work of the OIG within the reporting period
  • immediate correspondence to the agency head to report egregious and flagrant problems and/or abuses. (The agency head then transmits this reporting, along with any comments by the agency head, to the Congress within seven days)

IGs also must report any unreasonable refusal within the agency to provide information to the agency head, or suspected violations of Federal criminal law to the Attorney General.

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How does an IG contribute to good government?

  • IGs look independently at problems and possible solutions.
  • They issue fact-filled reports based on professional audit, investigative, and inspection standards.
  • They provide technical and/or consultative advice as new plans are developed.
  • They can perform independent investigation of allegations, as requested by the agency head.
  • IGs maintain Hotlines for employees and others to report confidential information regarding allegations of fraud and abuse.


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