Other Publications

SIGIR provides links to other resources of interest under the heading "Other Publications."

These include the Section 2207 reports of the Department of State, the Section 1506 reports provided by the Office of Management and Budget, and the Department of Defense Quarterly Reports on Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq.

2207 Quarterly Reports to Congress

1,320KB PDF

Since the dissolution of CPA on June 28, 2004,

required a quarterly report on Iraq reconstruction efforts to be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations. This quarterly report superseded the quarterly report submitted under Public Law 108-11, Section 1506.

The 2207 quarterly report contains:

  1. a report on the proposed uses of all funds on a project-by-project basis
  2. the distribution of duties and responsibilities among U.S. Government agencies
  3. a summary of revenues, obligations, and expenditures of donor funds
  4. a summary of revenues, obligations, and expenditures of seized and vested funds
  5. a listing of proposed new projects
  6. an estimate of costs to complete all projects.

View older reports here.

Archived by Year
PDF Size
July 2008 - 2207 Quarterly Report
July 2008 - 2207 Quarterly Report
July 2008 - 2207 Quarterly Report
July 2008 - 2207 Quarterly Report
July 2008 - 2207 Quarterly Report

1506 Report

On April 16, 2003, Congress passed Public Law 108-11. Section 1506 of that law required the President to submit an initial report on post-conflict activities in Iraq to the Committees on Appropriations.

The report includes the following:

  1. the distribution of duties among U.S. Government agencies
  2. a detailed plan with roles and responsibilities of foreign governments and international organizations
  3. a strategy for coordinating all activities
  4. an initial estimate of costs
  5. a strategy for distributing the responsibilities for paying for costs
  6. an estimate of revenue expected from Iraqi oil sales that could be used to pay for such costs

Public Law 108-11, Sec 1506 also required that quarterly reports be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations. These reports contain (1) a list of significant U.S. Government-funded activities related to reconstruction, (2) a list of significant proposed activities that will be initiated in the next reporting cycle, (3) a cost estimate of the proposed activities, (4) a list of funding sources for the proposed activities, (5) all updates to strategic plans, and (6) an updated list of financial pledges from foreign governments or international organizations.

View the report here.

DoD Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq Reports

The Department of Defense submits quarterly reports to congress pursuant to the section entitled "Measuring Stability and Security in Iraq" of House Conference Report 109-72 accompanying H.R. 1268, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005, Public Law 109-13.

View the report here.