Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois on March 4, 1913 · 1
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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois · 1

Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Tuesday, March 4, 1913
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I F S, f 1 gl VOLUME LXXII-NO, C MOBS AT CAPITAL DEFY POLICE; BLOCK SUFFRAGE PARADE CordsPO'NerleSSBeforeMass; Hoodlums Hurl Caustic Remarks at the Marchers. ' AUTOS AS BATTERING RAMS Pennsylvania Avenue Pageant Broken Up Many Times; Women Ride Down and Use Whips on Detractors. SPECTATCRS CRUSHED IN DID JAM est SIverr cOttemsPoNDENT.1 weshington. D. C., March 8.--ISpechthj The most splendid procession of women in equal tuffrage history' this afternoon buffeted It. way, weetn'ard along one of the widest streets in the country. through the greatest aggregation of spectators that ever turned out In Warhington, while from he-(Inuit, to end the police mismanagement was the worst in the known world. And If this is not a big enough collection of world's records It might be added the women paraders for the first time knocked the smithereens out of the United States Supreme bench. Inasmuch a e the judges of last eppeal adjourned to see the big suffragist parade after a hasty natWon or two. Crowd Blocks Line of March. The parade of today undoubtedly would have been even more impressive tban the night parade of women than came down Fifth avenue, New York, in a blaze of glory short time ago if this afternoon a quarter of a million peoplesome say morehad not tried to occupy Pennsylvania solidly, witho ut a break. from the front row of the grandstands on the north side of the avenue to the grandstands on the south side. The paraders naturally wanted at least the width of the car tracks to march upon. Owing to the wild efforts of the women to jam their way through a crush almost as solid as the Ivory Mg density of the persons responsible for the policing of the avenue, such of the splendor of the procession naturally was marred. Chief of Police "Tanned: To may that Maj. Sylvester, superintendent of police. hs being criticised hero would be putting the thing mildly. Maj. Sylvester is being tanned to fare you well and It is sat to say if he was recognised by the indignant women of Washington tonight the major might not be considered handsome enough tomorrow to lead the escort of policemen which will precede the inaugural parade. The chief declines to assume the responsibility for the fiasco and says that, In addition to the crowd being uePrecedented. his force of ponce was Inadequate. The suffragists decline to accept this explanation and say that the conditions that odsted were due to the fact that the authorities Int declined to permit the parade and then, when forced by public sentiment to issue the permit, took precautions to handle the crowd In the most grudging and backward manner. Throw Cold Water 071 Parade. The general opinion here Is that all the committees having to do with inaugural arrangements and the city authorities themselves tried to throw cold water on the parade and treated It with good humored contempt, and at the last moment were confronted with the fact that It was the subject of most intense interest and the cause of the greatest Lathering irs the history of Washington. Secretary of War Stimson steadily refused to assign troops to assist the police. The public comfort committee is also coming in for a IXtg bunch of criticism, as absolutely no provision was made for taking tare of casualties Incident to the most ordinary of parade& nary of parade& Near the main reviewing stand at the south entrance to the treasury building a local liquor dealer dropped dead of heart disease In one 01 the almost constant successione Of crushes that followed each attempt of police. Mounted, in automobiles, and afoot, and of the special police, a handful of troopers from Fort Meyer and boy scouts to make a new onening for the broken sections of the parade to squeeze through. In the short stretch of Pennsylvania avenue between Eleventh and Fifteenth streets more than thirty women and girls were taken out of the press to the Emergency hospital In a fainting condition in less than an hour. One woman was carried into the same hos1,1 in the meantime with her foot badly 'tangled by the shod hoof of a mounted policeman's horse. Autos as Battering Rams. Automobiles that tried to beat the crowd back In advance of the procession ran over innumerable toes. A din of squeals. honking, of pathfinding automobilos manned by de4ectives. yells and curses from men, the cries Of mounted and foot police who brandished their long clubs in the sunlight above the heads of the struggling masses, all merged into one uproar along the mile or more of the line of march. The Moment the automobiles at tbe bead of the line had cleared a path about the width el a Chicago alley the crowd. once the police and the head of the line had pezsed. would c311 In again. whites and blacks, like chocolate vanilla ice cream, melting rapidly together and drowning out the suffragists' kveliest platoons of loveliness. Late comers headed for box seats in automobiles or on foot cams to a dead stop against a curb to curb wide bank of humantiY when they tried to enter the avenue to their grandstands from the cross streets. 11.WO automobiles in which were Mrs. Taft arid Miss Taft and a number of their women friends were hopelessly held up by the mobs at the southeast corner of the treasury. Chocolate and vanilla jammed close to the machine. and. tow recognizing Mrs. Taft or ACcontlaued on page 2, column 24 , THE WORLD'S II IN TI-1 NIITIC)N9 .F4Coir ,- momm SUMMARY OF THE NEWS. TUESDAY, ARCH 4. 1913. WEATHER FORECAST. For Mileage and vicinityScow Tuesday. slightly solder. with moderate northeast winds. WednesCay cloudy. For IllinoisCloudy In tit southern, probably .now flurries In the northern portion Tuesday. Weetnesdar cloudy. moderate. northeast winds. Sunriss, 6-.21; sunset 4;43. MconLe..411 a. al. I TEMPERATURE IN CHICAGO (Last 24 hours.' Maximum, 2 a. m 40 Minimum, 3 a. m 23 8 a m 25 Noon 87 8 p. in 81 4 a 01.....25 1 p. m 30 6 p. m 31 a. m 27 2 p. m et 10 D. m 31 6 a. m 27 3 p. in 39 11 p. 7 a. In 28 4 p. in SS Midnight ....81 8 a. m 26 5 p. m 84 1 a. m 30 10 a. m 84 6 p. m 38 2 a. to 22 11 a. m 35 7 p. m 32 Mean temperature, 31.5: normal for the day. 30. Excess since Jan. 1. II& Precipitation for 24 hours to T p. m O. Dad. clency since Jan. 1, 1.011 inches. Wind. 3. w, max., SO miles an hour at 183 a. m. Relative humidity. 7 a. m.. 64; 7 P. m. 86. Barometer, sea level. 7 a. ra. 80.01: p. m. 30.12. P'or general government weather report see page 19. SHIPPERS' ADVICE. Special Forecast for Shipments WHIP. in Radius of 400 Miles. Iknepare ettivmeitato 'to reach destlinations by Wednesday morning for temperatures as follows: North and northwest. Plus 10 degrees to -4 degrees; west. 10 degrees to 20 degrees; south, 24 degrees to thirty-two degrees; east, about 25 degrees. TODAY'S BARCADIS-PACE IS. WASIUNGTON. Capital mob blocks suffrage parade; women ride down and whip detractors. Pagel Illinois delegation wins high praise for drill work in suffrage parade. Page 3 INAUGURATION. Balmy weather aids IF welcome extended to Wilson in Washington. Page 1 Jaunt of presidential party to Washington a family frolic. Page 4 NATIONAL " Observer points out knotty problems United Statee faces when Panama canal opens. Pagel LOCAL jullus Rosenwald called to testlfy before state vice board. Page 1 Mrs. Eben Mills, the ;41.000 woman, mysteriously disappears. Page IL Names of 311 streets are saved by aldermen. Page 5 County's lawyers try to solve legal tangle left by failure of budget. Page 1 STATE. Charles R. Crane enters senatorial race as compromise candidate. Page 1 - FOREIGN. Mexican leaders plan to hold peace conference at El Paso. Tex. Page 7 Mrs. George Cornwallie-West gets conjugal rights court order. Page 9 TRADE AND INDUSTRY. Real estate. Page 16 Local financial. Pag-e 17 Commercial. - Page IS Live stock. Page 19 ' SPORTING. : Eddie Herrmann sets new A. B. C. bowling record with 1.972 in all events. Page 10 Cub regulars defeat Yannigans. 2 to O. In six Innings. Page it MOVEMENTS OW OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Arrived. Port. CAMESONIA ...New York. LAtPLAND New York. NIAGARA MARC Taingtau A NERLEY Port Pixie. GEORGE WASHINGTON. ...... .Bremetl. PERUGIA Gibraltar. sor-RAIHNAIRI; Hull. ROldA Oran. ZEELAND Antwerp. STRATHNAIRN I.7LTONIA Trieste. LACONIA Alalere. AL.-GUST St. Vineett NIL E Yokohama. TERRIER. Blotto. KOREA L ...San Francisco. HESPERIAN John. Stile& Port. ttAx, ANNA Palermo. - ROTTERDAM onARCISSA ...Bremen. Arrived. CAMESONIA ...HE LAR LA ND NE NIA GAR A MARI' TE A NE-TULEY LP GEORGE 'WASHINGTON . Br PERUGIA GI s-r-RATHINAIRI; HI RO3dA Or ZEELAND Az STRATHNAIRN GI ELTONIA TT LACONIA Al A CGCST NILE 1 ,"( TERRIER H KOREA L . ...Si HESPEEIAN ..Sr Seiled.. 1 PAN,r A N-N A PI ROTTERDAM .. - Bi BARBA-RCS-SA .. B1 WERELESS Et PORTS. 1 1 Due 1 Due at Ifew Turk DOCHAID311 -.Out ZOO miles-- -Tuesday a- TII. 11.DIALIG 01.A.V. Diet. sot wasa.,..Weelnam4a7 akait4 8 p. m 31 9 p. m 31 10 D. m 31 11 p. m Midnight 1 a.. m 30 2 a.. In 2a TUESDAY. MARCH 4. 1913.-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. 7r z, , Awrr, L A 11.S.ON DEFENSIVE BY CANAL OPENING Will Have to Keep Up Reputation as Power by Guarding Caribbean Seal Says Observers EUROPE READY TO STEP IN BY OBSERVER. The opening of the Panama Canal will soon bring the country face to face with the fact that the period of our seclusion is paid. This period in reality ended with the opening at the Spanish-American war. While much ha S been writt,en about our having become a world power our government and our people by their lack of interest and knowledge of the real meaning of our foreign relations show they have Sailed to PPreciate the fact that we are & world power. The opening of the canal by its revival of old trade routes and shortening of others will again attract the attention of the world to the Caribbean sea with its islands and adjacent countries. The opening of the Suez canal made the countries adjacent of the utmost importance politically because the key-points to the most important trade routes between Europe and Asia. will Be Key to Trade. The countries and islands near the Panama canal will attain a greater political importance .because not only will they be key. points to important trade routes between Europe and Asla but also between the two Americas and between each of them and Europe and Asia. In other words. the canal will be the means of bringing vital European. Asiatic, and southern South American political and commercial questions from across the Atlantic. the Pacific, and soiith of the equator to our very doorsten. Willy-nilly. then, we will find ourselves a world. power. not because of our strength-6r our wealth but because our geographical position will have planted us in the very center of the world'a great questions. If we are wise we will abandon our present provincialism, which, rampant, now sets the Interest of localities above that of the nation as a whole and finds its excuse In an isolation which no longer exists. Find Other Nations Active. As the time approaches for the opening of the canal we find other nations keenly alive to what the opening means and preparing to take adv ante g e of it In this country no real preparaticn is being made. Outside of an appreciation of the fact that we are successfully carrying through probably the most stupendous of the worlds engineering undertakings, there seems little realization of what the effect of this work will be in examining the islands and countries in and adjacent to the Caribbean we find European and American posEessicks and self-governing countries. Great Witain leads with the Bahamas, Jamaica, British Honduras, the Leeward islands. the Windward Islands. Barbados. Trinidad. and British Guiana. The United States is next with Porto Rico, the Panama canal zone, and a virtual protectorate over Cuba and the republic of Panama. PritriCe possesses Guadeloupe, Martinique. St Pierre, and Miquelon, one-hair of St Martin's. and French Guiana. Denmark has &Continued ea page 4 co1umn...41A (Cepyright: 1913: By John T. McCuteboonl STATE VICE BOARD .1111S. MILLS GONE; CALLS ROSENWALD OFFERS NO REWARD ". 01 Head of Sears, Roebuck First Big Employer Asked ,to Reveal Wages Paid Woman Employes. BOOKS ARE REQUESTED. Zullus Rosenwald, president of Sears, Roebuck & Co. and leader of various philanthropic enterprise s. was subpcenaed yester-ay to appear before the Illinois senatorial " white slave " commission on Friday morning. He will be the first witness among big Chicago business men whe wt.l be asked to toll of the wages paid woman employes. " I accepted summons to appear before the senate committee," said Mr. Rosenwald at night, and will be at their disposal. I think will be able to produce any figures or 000ks ay may call for. We have nothing to fear frcm an investigation." Bequbsts Salary Boll. M. Blair Coen. investigator for the commission, served the subpcena andt requested Mr. Rosenwald to bring the salary roll of the mail order establishment for last week. The subpoena. did not specify papers. but Inveetigator Coon assured him foil powers had bee. granted the commission by the legislature, and that a refusal probably would Mean the issuance of a subpcena duce s tecuut by &Cook county judge. Subpce for Superintendent While at the Sears, Roebuck & Co. plant Mr. Cam also served subpcera on G. H. Miller, superintendent Of employment. who Is counted on' to raresh Mr. Rosenwald's memory in regard to salaries and the nature of work required of employes. Owing to the length of time necessary to serve the mail order eubocenas Coen was not able to visit any heads of the big depart . ment stores and factories, but be expects to serve the greater part of his remaining subpcenas today and tomorrow. CHICAGOANS HURT IN WRECK HUSBAND SAW WHILE DREAMING rive 'Wabash Coaches Plunge Do1171 Embankment in CenadaNrs. Leonard Norris Unhurt. 'Several Chicago people were injured !tsw terday near Cayuga, Ont.. when five passenger coaches of the Wabash express train on the Michigan Central railroad toppled down & lifteen foot embalkintrit. Leonard Morris, presidefit of L D. Morris & Co., organ manufacturers, eaw the wreck In his dreams His wife was on the train. She was not hurt-Among those Injured are: HAMILTON. H. H.. Chicago; injured internally. Ehtlacr ET,. Chicago: bead injured. HILLMAN'. MRS. EMANUEL. Chicago; badly bort um. HILL, Chimp,: badly burt SNYDER. MRS. ESTELLE, Chicago; knee fraetured. WATTS. D. A., Chicago: Injured about the bead. STAI.-PmAN. MRS. MATILDA,. Kansas City.; EVAN. EDWARD, Pullman porter. EVAN. EDWARD, Pullman porter. It was just the other night I dreamed of the wreck." said Mr. Morris. " It way sc vivid it woke ine up. I taw the train leave the track and plunge to the bottom of a bank. Then some of the cars toppled over and began to burn. Yesterday afternoon when I put my wife on the train I bought an accident insurance policy and advised her to be careful. I had the presentiment all day that something would happen." Spreading rails are thought to have caused tbe wreck. The express was running through a blinding snowstorm at a speed of forty miles an hour. Mel Sheppard, a famous rump glig.tioihps4 74114 4 gays:s aba,klag me, I Texas Woman Vanishes as Mysteriously as Fortunein Saturday's Blizzard. FLEES HOSPITAL IN AUTO Mrs. Mabel, Mills, the wealthy Texas land speculator who emerged dramatically from a blizzard in Evanston last Saturday night with a bruise on the back of her head and a story of how she had either lost or been robbed of $41.000. faded silently out of the scene of her strange adventure yesterday afternoon, leaving a mystery behind her as .thick as the snow on Evanston's classic lawns. . , The police engaged in solving the enigma she had made for them did not even know sae was going. The only tangilbe Eouvenirs of her visit are a re markable collection of conjectures, a choice lot of puzzled Sher. lock Holmsesand the $41,000. The police have not laid their hands on the lett item yet, but there is Considerable reason for believing that it is around somewhere. , ' Ilere's the "Beat" Record. On the record sheet of the police eergeant at Evanston station are two notations which add significance to the mystery. They are: Eklund, 9:16 p. m. . Eklund, 10s161 p. at. Here is the significance: Policeman Fred Eklund was in the fruit store at Ceteral street and the elevated when Mrs. Mill. left it at about 9 o'clock on Saturday night She walked east on Central street, crossed Ridge avenue. and Bays she fell senseless midway between there and Sherman avenue. It was at this epot her handbag ad the torn envelope, which originally contained the forty-one 91.000 bills, was found. Policeman Ecklund left the fruit store a few minutes later than the women. Chief of Police Sharer last night said he traversed the same street. paseed the spot where the handbag and envelope were found. walked half a block farther east. and pulled the patrol box at 9:16. An hour later he patrolled the same street and pulled the same box at 10:18. It was at 10:30 that Mrs. Mills stumbled onto the porch of the Cooper residence, at 6136 Millburn avenue. Eklund was found on his beat at neidnight " Yes, I saw her." he mid She wee giggling in the fruit store. ' I followed her right out. She took the middle of the street. I don't know when I ceased to notice her ahead of me. It was so stormy you couldn't see ten feet away." - This Is How She Vanished. Some time between 8 o'clock in the morning and I o'clock in the afternoon a limousine and a taxicab pulled up in front of the Evanerton hospital. They stood side by side. Two women. One of them enshrouded in a shawl and leaning on the arm of ber companion. emerged from the hospital and entered the limouelne. A minute !ober the lireouline started north. The taxicab started south. Both went at top speed. throwieg up a cloud of snow. " Funny. said a young man who claimed tn have been closely observant. those two women climbed into one door of that limousine. out the other and right into the taxicab. One of them must have been that Mrs. 1 Mills. who said she was beaten and robbed of a fortune in the blizzard on Saturday night. The young man told his story to reporters. The reporters went to Chief of Police Shaffer. the chief laughed. " Everybody's seeing thing!, " said he. (Continued oa page 4, column 44 1XXX2do, PRICE ONE C. R. CRANE SEEKS U. S. SENATORSHIP Chicago , Man Proposed to Gov. Dtmne as Compromise to End ----- Deadlock. LEWIS BOOM AT AN END? LET A STAFF CORRI:SPONDENT4 - Washington. D. C.. March 3.--tSpecial.3 Charles R. Crane of Chicago. treasurer of the Dornooratio stational committee, wants to be one of the tutted States senators from DUnols. In this wish be is supported by that faction of the Progressives in the Illinois legislature who are under the leadership of Harold L. Ickes. chairman of the Cook county Progressive committee. Mr. Crane and Mr. Ickes called upon Gov. Dunne at the Illinois headquarters this afternoon. Their purpose was to sound out the governor as to the possibility of a Democratio-Progressive alliance which would start with Mr. Crane for One of the place& preferably the long term, and for & Progressive for the short term. This proposal was followed by the suggestion that if a Progressive could not be named, then Crane for the long term and Charles Boeschenstein for the short term would be in arrangement which might be accepted.. Mr. Ickes told Gov. Dunne be cannot expect to get a Progressive vote for Col. James Hamilton Lewis. Bad News for Governor. This was bad news for Gov. Dunne. No Indication of his reply to Mr. Crane and to .11r. Ickes is available. It is believed, bow. ever, that the gove.-nor said that be is bound to the Lewis candidacy, at least until Col. Lewis voluntarily withZtaws from the race. ' There are indications that a Crane-Boeschenstein arrangement Is being made and that It will bear the approval of the new national administration. Condit 6ns at Springfield are such that enough votes can be turned into such a dicker by a Democratic-Progressive alliance-Close lieutenants of Gov. Dunne. following the Dunne-Crane-Ickes conference. said Gov. Dunne might be willing to consider the compromise proposed if Col. 'Awls withdrew. This is likely to happen at any moment, according to tlinois Democrats who are In 'Washington. Payne Offered as Compromise, The name of former Judge John )3arton Payne of Chicago. was Interjected into the senatorship race today ae a compromise suggestion. Nati Orutl Committeeman Charles Boeschemstein. carrying the Democrat caucus nomination for the short term senatorship. has been In intimate touch with the national organization leaders since Sunday. Mr. Hoeschenstein is saying nothing except that he I.e a candidate for the shot term and for nothing else and that be expects to be eiected. along with a Democrat for the long term Roger C. Sullivan arrived from Chicago late this afternoon. He stands pat for two Democrat genitors and particularly for Boeschenstein for the inert term. He did not attempt to cheer up the pessimistic Lewis men. who now are not claiming anything for their candidates. They have abondoned hope of interesting the real Democrat leeliere of the senate In the claim that 'ASCII, " Cootion occurred on the eighth joint ballot. The Democrat caucus of the new United States senate. to be held tomorrow, will not consider the Lewis case. Etna Refuses Levis Help. Harrisburg, 8.--1 Special1State RepreeentatIve Kane of the Fifty-firet trict today announced he wia refuse to vote any longvr for Col Lewis fer tnited States senator as a rezu:t of the attempted quorum CENTTN CHICAGO FLSEWTIElkli AND SCSI:RES- TWO CENTS. VIILSONAND BRYAN IGNORE PROTESTS AGAINST CABINET President Elect and Aid Stand Firm Despite Fact Friends of Latter Oppose. FORMER GREETED BY TAFT Sunny t Skies lid in Preparations for Eig Event in Nation's Capital Today. HAPPY TRIP FROM PRIIICEION INAUGURATION WEATHER. The indications are that the weather at Washington on Tuesday will be fair in the morning, cloudy in the afternoon, and become unsettled and colder at night. There is little probability of either rain or snow. Temperature during the day will be moderate, probably in the forties. BY JOHN CALLA N -"LAUGHLIN. Washing-ton. D. C.. M , -3.--1Speciall- Iralr skies and springlike air aided Wash. ington In giving a cordial greeting tO Wood.. row Wilson and his family and personal friends on their arrival today. The same weather conditione are predicted by Willis Moore. the weather bureau chief. for the inaugural ceremonies tomorrow. It Is a prediction looked on with DOCTI41 skepticism by the men and Wonien wbo ret member the blizzard which raged In the city four years ago following a similar prophecy. Mr. Moore Is certain at & late hour to4 night, however. that his forecast will be reallzed. The sky is without a cloud. The stars are twinkling upon a capital ilimninah ed by searchlights and festoons of coloredi -electric globes. and. according to the weathee reports. there is not a slign of &storm within art area apt to affect this vicinity. - So Mr. Moore Is feeling comfortable ant Mr. Wilson and his family. who are pray.. .ing for a good day. are apt to have theld wishes come true. I Good-By to Aged Neighbor. IL has been a great day for the president elect It began with the preparations In Princeton this morning for his departure, his writing of the labels for his trunks, " Woodrow WI itron, White House," and hit call upon his next door neighbor. 90 year old Mrs. Ricketts. to say good-by. This little act of courtesy gave pleasurS to the old lady, who has been plain in het eriticisms of the acts and utterances of the president elect, and gave equal pleasure to the man who has been called to the highest office inthe lansi. Then carne the departure amidst Princetontan cheers, the swift jourriey to the card, tal. which is to be the home of the Wilson family for at least four years, and the reception in the president's room at the Union Etation by a committee made up of senators and members of the house and other distina guished Democrats. From this room the president elect and Mrs. Wilson and their daughters walked ilvnugh a lane of Princeton students who bad accompanied them to Waehington to waiting automobiles which whirled them to the Shoreham hotel Small Crowd at Statim Mc. Wi leron'e arrival was not attended by the popular demonstration whtch usually signalizes the corril-ig of a. new preeldert, largely because of the womsn's euffrage parade in progress at the time. It was more interesting to the visitors and resident WashtrItoniens to review the epectscular turne cut of women on Pennsylvania avenue than to strain their eyes for a glimpse of the man et horn they will have a chance in any event to Pee tomorrow. - So only the faithful were at the Union eta. tion and at the Shoreham hotel and it wail their greetings and their cheers which N fumed the president elect's heart. It was at the Shoreham hotel. once owned by a -t lee President. that Mr. Wilson met Vic. Preti.; dent Marshall and that the wife of the lett" greeted the future White House mIstrese and her daughters.. It was there that MCWilsommet CAA E. M. House of Texas, the agent of the " scholar" in politics" in the work of cabinet building. It was there that Mr. Wilson paw the men he has selected for his official adviee'ra, prominent membete of the senate and house, governors of states, and others bo are ago pirants for appointment. Makes Call at White House. From that hotel Mr. and Mrs. WI11011 wort to the White House to pay their official cal won President and Mrs. Taft. It was the first time the former have ever been in the hietorio mansion. It was a caU of courtesy only. the guetts remaining orly a. few moments, and slim the president and Mre. Taft returned ft s, ehort time later the same limitation SO t4 time was obeerved. There was no opportunity for the preeideni and his succeesor to talk ever affairs et state. Apparently Mr. WiLson does not care to be advised by his predecessor. but prefers to 'low the field awaiting his attention it ithent any suggestions from the head of a Republica an administration. Taft Offers Bryan Advice. In strikirg contrast with this att:tude. Mr. Bryan. who will be secretary of state. called upon President Taft this afternoon and re. maned with him about ten zninutes. It wait Impossible for Mr. Taft to do more than to speak of the serious problems Mr. Bryan wilt have to aid in solving but he offered Ole latter on behalf of himself and the retiring secretary of state. Mr. Knox. the benatt ot any advice be might &Nit. particularit with respect to the Mexican situation. CAA 13,rza3 explainegi that to dicl-not IsSIL r - i ' r, 7 z, . ,,,,...,4 ,;;,,::,..., .,,::,.....,, i... , , ; .77, ,,,.......A.,,14,,,,. , .....,.......,i,,..1,t ,.........fA2,..4.., ,,, , '1Ar4P - :weR - , -t-AG:,..zz. 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