The New York Times from New York, New York on May 29, 1920 · Page 12
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The New York Times from New York, New York · Page 12

New York, New York
Issue Date:
Saturday, May 29, 1920
Page 12
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ft. T&n 'NEW- YORK TI!.IE3 GATURDAY, IIAY 2D, REDOUBLES FIGHT Oil FOOD PROFITEERS Flylrz Gqutdron to Inspect All Chops Daily for Unfair - RUU Price. ' ALL ; GROCERS ARE WARNED Oasaftment ? Jostles U Dsal Dlrsct , wltH Osuflsrs, Hasd tf Aiu . ' elJtUrl ls;TtV y Flane for a mora rlroreue canipaira aalnet acofiteat la food wart an-neaaoed yeetcreay fcy J, J. rrv af the nrlt Bouedred 7 of th Department af Jaetlre. Md Mr that the atty will W thovoaihljr Coaibad for dealers aba are cUrilni leo much fat food. fna fir aiea taken waa ta niniMa riew ta the af. Retail Urorera' Association. fe tf tha Me,laartn. Mr. Wl tol4 Mr. l.l noc th rtteU tr:rl muni ev am their arkr aoevrdtnf ta imimI anerket fliK-tueUena, acci dlr to taternant frewn the liu(lron effkea. r. rtce ears the tracers RUT not htpf tketv araoilae Of seme Waa a ae I give Ntitumiri th benefit .af aa Creeee In WhoLaele prtcea. Mr. El nor arenilead ( call a meeting ( the uwrUUifl for TuMdtj. lit wee told that trlolatlrrtie hrf Ur would be lied by tha teprlmnl or Jusilre direct Inetsad et having tha association deal with tha alleged violator. Mr. Price aald ha would have tha (root re furnish him each day With a flat of prtrae whlrh lhiy considered fair a4 that thia weald ha usd aa a basis for fun n ldf dewn profiteer. The Hat, Mr. Frk-e eitatned. Would ha umk4 ntarely aa a, guute and would not aeoae-artly mean that a peraen eetling wllhln tha aaarpln wwuld not ha proaeeuted. aimflar tut ara ta ha obtained from tha market aa4 vegetable rtaaiera. Tha city U U ha divided tnU lletrtcta. each wfth aa agent In charge.' He wftl le etpacled to vlett aach dealer in hia trtTUurr and not, tha vricea peisa Charamf for a II fowl. A boueawlfe aa WaahlngiM Hatflita reported ta - Mr, IMca yaaterdar that aha Im4 aid 2 eaaiU a aaaiut for hat-tr. Aa ant waa acnt tmtaalatrlf ta tnraatitata aa4 will maJtt rrport thia aortdnc. Mr. titer rtatardar atibtnfttad ta Mr. rrtca tha following ma llmum achadula f fair .rrtatl prtcat, haa4 an raatr dur a wrioala aiarktk auoiitlonat r Utvar fuiMt ara4a. aw Kartnuddkt U rti a pound ; N. 1. 10 centa a pound, fiaat tianrrU eontmbara. 3 to H wU aach: ratbaga. t puwnda for 13 ranta. 1aa onion. I Mitt pound. fit let If trash agga, M raota. Buttor-. Wo. 1 aieamaty, (A cnta. Tneaa wara given a ma ilmum prleaa. many daalara aaU- Uig for Vrtm. . Threoah th afforta 6f MK FTV ana larga drU la ttta Tlmaa Knra auction agraad to a aibUotlai rtddcttob In. tha prtc af atraw hata. . .- .' .. GIVES $1,000,000 TO YALE.; 1 i .- Ctnaral CdMcatlait . Board Makaa Gift ta Mldaltbury Alto. : KKW HAVKM. CoWl., Mar M. A fctft af tXrOnOom to tha Yala Unfrerally b drwtnrnt fnnd from tha OaheraJ fiduca tlan Board of Nw York, on oC tha ttocktfettar htaavUitvea. wal announced hr tatilghu; - , ' Th fund will b aard tot lha do rclopfnant of tha Maw Harm Oenarai tloapltal throaih tha Madieal Brhool af tha anlraraity. Tha hospital will row aa mada a faU-Uma InaUtutlon. tha ataff, many af whom ara ntambera af tha Yala Xodlcal School rarultr. giving all tbelr lima to tha koapltai and foragolntf out al1a prartlca. When tha Fata Medical Phool bacama afflltatad with tha Nrw Haven Hoapltal a faw rra ago. a gift of faou.Ouo from tha (tancral Education Board waa an-nounccd. ' ' MtDniJCBVnY. Vt.. Mttr M.-A tela-grain from tha Gnaral Biucutlunal Hoard of tha llftckafrl'.r Fottnadon an nounclng a gift of fioO.omi to Mlddla-hry Collara. on condition that an ad dltlonal $750,010 ba ralaad by aubacrlp tlon waa racalvad by Praaldant John M. Thomae of tha eoliaga tonight. Ptaal-drnt Thoanaa aald that a campaign i obtain tha naoaaaarr aubaoripUona would ba launchad Immadlataly. SUFFRAGE DEAD AT DOVER. Ltgisfatora Say Laat Cha.nea ta Wla In Dataware. Has Gona' : tWYXR, lel tUt tfcVrh : Haoto. tlow ta ratify - tha Wotnan ftaffrac Amoodmant la brUavad to ba dald,! ao (ar.aa tha praaant aaaaloav vt tha Dala-wara Lrglalatnra fa concerned, aa a ream t of tha action of tha Lower Houaa today. -,: - ; -. ;3 ; v.a- Antl-avtffraca mesnbara " notified tha Sanata. whjch aaaaed tha raaolutlon on May 6 that tinlaaa ft waa aent to tha Ifdoaa Immediately it would not ba act-ad on. Tha raaolutlon was' than ami over, at onca called up for final reading and raiarrad ta tha commlttea of tha whola. Whlla tha commit lea waa deliberating, a motion to adlourn auitU 4. next Wadnaadar waa adopti It reqalraa a two-thirda vota ta report tha raaolutlon but of committe : and laadlna Lrglalaiora aald thia waa ' tm poaalblat Tb Leglalatura will adjourn finally aaxt Wadnaadar. -.. . DORMITORY STONE IS LAID: rlV Hundrad Attend Caramony at ... ftlvardala Country Senoot. - Orarga McAntny. Chaauian of the Board of Dtraclora of RIverdala CauB try School, RlVerdaia-on-Hudaon, laid th corner atone of the new dormitory yeaUrday afternoon in the preaeaea of tOO fMenda and ralatlrea of tha atudanU. Ra commented Upon tha growth of thia achoel Community in the open country f? to the tlty. and predicted that tha erection of thia fire proof dormitory of 100 alngle roema would mark a new era in the bouelr.g of atudenta. After the exerrlaca. the audience ad-Journed to the ehool theatre where the voungpr boy preavr.ted alx playa In French. The afternoon rloid with an exhibit of the Jrear'a aork in manual art. Give Shoa Workers 10-Rita. MANCHESTER N. H.. May 28.-The to. 8. McESwata Company, ahoe manufacturer, announced late today ah Increase of 10 per cent, la the wages of its 8,r0 employee in thia city and aeveraJ other ptaoea In New Hampahlre. Tha Increase la retroactive to March 1. Wheffi Rcal Estate Was Depressed JOT nowbut say in October 1914 when i everything else wa depressed poo : except Guaranteed First Mortgages. :. ; -J v They wert not depressed even if the real estate owner , was iEaring badly and had to i ask for tkhe when his mortgage was called ; ; The holders of Guaranteed Mortgages knew ! that the depreciation was coming out of the equity, and that they were guaranteed that it would not reach their mortgage Heh.Tbi certainty made them the most comfortable V of all the investors in the community ' ; Title Guarantee & Trust ; Co, . PAPER MAKERS WANTED One first-class cylinder machine tender, one back' tender and one beaterrnan ; experienced on high-grade white and colored tissues; men desirous of making a permanent connection with a large tissue mill will be given opportunity to develop and be a part of a live organisation where good wages and excellent living conditions prevail. H 974 Tunes Downtown. asasssaMsaBaasaassassMaaaaMMaaMsMsMMManswMwMMHsn . , , ' ' , . ?' ' ' ;" ' - ' ' 'r - - ' . ' , i - . ' '' Lmm watr1rWraaXjj.Miia(ii il. ' n; '2 :!lIS:?s just life lliis i : ' :4:.Ja.-Evei7ihingyou JNn oJ-? f hankered for in a BT ' 5 r r .A oSooo.' t smoke you'll get in I- YOITLL prove out why Camels win you just as quickly as vou check ut against Camels quality ! You never did smoke a cigarette that gave you such real enjoyment and such real satisfaction! Before you have dug deeply into a package you strike the Camel quality pace, and, you realize that at last you have found the ideal cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos will win you because it is so unusual and so delightful! And, you can; decide right now that you will prefer Camels blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight ! It is so fascinatingly good! ; ' ' . .v .. .- v You get smooth mellow'mildness in Camels thatnever was put into a cigarette before; you get refreshing flavor that is a cigarette revelation I aAiid, youll sure appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or. unpleasant cigaretty odor! You've got a lot to expect from every Camel cigarette; you put a match to, but, Camels make good just as fast as the clock ticks! To prove, to you our confidence in these wonderful : cigarettes, we ask you to Compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price ! ' Youll understand why no pnums or coupons are offered with Camels! Youll vote for Camel quality every time!. : i . Cuna r Mid rarrwAor fit aofeafiffcaiTy aJaat fimckmg a 30 iiftfrt: r ran aA-(200 ogararraa) im m iaeaina-paoer-oorerad Wm mtrtmgfy rttomonod (Aia earton for mmpply or vnaai jroer fravaX R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Wiratoa-SsJem, N. C , 7Y "V ia S. - K m V I ' o "? o c o c o oo c-cOsi'i OOOQ Q O DUO 0 C a 9 I - li enterprise. Business fymeroM reach is brought within grasp. JfMfcnW efaftfd 3 Mawaaaaaaavw A B B R E V I ATE D SPECIFICATION ENGINE Four cylinders cast en Woe . with Hot Spot and Ram's-horn intake manifold; cone clutch running in oil; transmission bolted to engine' bore, inches; stroke, aH inches. GASOLINE SUPPLY Capacity io gallbns; positife feed. TRANSMISSION Three-speed selective type. STEERING Left side drive; 1 8-inch steering wheel; irreversible worm steering gear, adjustable CONTROL Gear shift lever m center of . driving compartment and operated at . right of driver; Spark and throtde controls operated on quadrant underneath steering wheel; also foot accelerator. WHEELBASE 124 inches. TIRES 35 inches by 5 inches pneumatic cord. Standard REAR AXLE Worm drive; semi-floating type; extra heavy malleable Iron housing. FRONT AXLEHeavy drop-forged steel Lbeam. SPRINGS-Front, 38 inches long, ii inches wide; rear, 52 inches long, iH inches wide; both semi-elliptic. FRAME Pressed steel construction. MATERIALS AH steel used throughout Maxwell trucks is made from our own formulae, as specified by our chief metallurgist. CHASSIS EQUIPMENT Electric generator, storage battery, electric head and tail lamps, electric horn, complete set of tools, including jack and tire pump with pneumatic tires; seat and front fenders. Warranty or Maxwell Motor Sales Corporation New York Branch. 1808 Broadway p, r. , fP1" 59th St. New York City rhone Circle 5550 ruarM rrc-vitv!e BBRN BRANCH 1 173th Street and cTd " 1 Jmf! SSV TV MIWuWs Sales Corporation 1410-14 Bedford Art., Brooklyn. N. Y. Phone Project 8411 An Electric Fan, the one relief when sultry summer, days and nights have come, is as indispensable in the home as in the office. Use it in the dining room, the nursery or the bedroom. The cost for service' is less than one half cent an hour. The improved health and comfort it gives arc out of all proportion to the expense Now is a good time to make purchases The New York Edison Comp Tour Service General Offices: Irving Place and 15th Street District Offices where Electrical Appliances of all kinds are on display i. ao Norfolk St comer Hester St if i East loth Sr twrwi ' . 4J4 Broadway near Canal St ' f f 14 West 4id St between BVay U 6th Ave 5S5 Tremont Ave cor Monterey Are , . Night and Emergency CaD: Watkuia 3000 . - ... , Open Until Midnight ' V any 11 - P"-! anMsTaVI lkmummmWtmWttkmmWmtaMmmm n n pi dUSpORaadcST m n n v i 3 r- na Orflslnau ! m Haltod nil!: : faje Inf amta and IniraUi, aVraU lalUtlons and 8mbstlttt( .Cordon OiitsIlAniAjLAD - Oraop af ansaeta at tha waddtaa ad Lard Otraoa'a daacMar. Lady CyatUa Camai. aa Oawald Maatay. M. at Hatha aed KaQ. pletajrad laenocraar la the Botacrev-are Fictare'JIaetiaa'e' Tae Maw Tart Tins. The Kloa aaal Qoaaa at tha 9as raeal.i naWti

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