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Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture


The Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture (EBTJV) is the nation's first pilot project under the National Fish Habitat Action Plan, which directs locally-driven efforts that build private and public partnerships to improve fish habitat.

Eastern Brook Trout Coverage Area

Eastern Brook Trout Coverage Area (click for larger version in new window)

The long-term goals of the EBTJV are to develop a comprehensive restoration and education strategy to improve aquatic habitat, to raise education awareness, and to raise federal, state and local funds for brook trout conservation.

Coverage Area

The EBTJV assessment team evaluated and assigned a status to 11,400 subwatersheds in 17 states in the Appalachian region, an area that represents 70% of the historical range of brook trout in the United States.

Incorporating the EBTJV data into the NFDI framework

The subwatersheds used by the EBTJV are approximately 6th level (12 digit) watersheds, and are thus smaller than the mapping unit of the NFDI project (4th level, 8 digit HUC). For the purposes of the NFDI, in order to present the EBTJV data with no bias, if Brook Trout are present in any subwatershed within a HUC8, the status for the entire parent HUC8 watershed is reported as "Present" in NFDI.

The NBII Program is administered by the Biological Informatics Office of the U.S. Geological Survey
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Page last Modified: 9/23/2010 11:42:35 AM
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