Patient Education



Patient Education: Partners in Surgical CARE

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Find an FACS member

The letters “FACS” after a surgeon's name indicates that he or she is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). Fellows of the College are board-certified surgeons whose education, training, professional qualifications, surgical competence, and ethical conduct have been reviewed and evaluated prior to admittance and have been found to be consistent with the high standards of the American College of Surgeons. Not all surgeons are accepted into Fellowship in the College and there are some surgeons who may choose not to become Fellows. The letters “FACS” after a surgeon's name indicates that the surgeon has submitted to a process to obtain voluntary credential and performance evaluation by their peers.


bullet How to look for a Qualified Surgeon

bullet A Guide to Surgical Specialists

bullet Check on Surgeon Certification



Revised April 18, 2012

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