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Collections in the Digital Library include President Clinton and the First Lady's daily schedules, nomination papers, Domestic Policy Council’s files, records concerning foreign policy, selected speeches and writings of President Clinton, and photo galleries. In addition archived versions of the first websites created by the Clinton Administration, and documents published on those original websites are available for researchers. Collections have been selected in whole or in part and digitized for web access.

POTUS Schedules IconPRESIDENT CLINTON’S SCHEDULES 1993-2001 daily schedules of President Clinton. First Lady's Schedules IconFIRST LADY’S SCHEDULES 1993-2001 daily schedules of First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Admin HistoriesADMINISTRATION HISTORIES Histories written by agencies and departments within the Clinton Administration highlighting accomplishments from 1993-2001. DPC IconDOMESTIC POLICY COLLECTION Files from staffers and executives of the Domestic Policy Council. Records primarialy concern education, crime, civil rights, healthcare & welfare.
Holocaust AssetsADVISORY COMMISSION ON HOLOCAUST ASSETS Records concerning the investigating as to what happened to the assets of victims of the Holocaust.
Declassified Records IconDECLASSIFIED RECORDS Previously classified records concerning national security and U.S. foreign policy.
Listen to President Clinton's digitized Weekly Radio Addresses, transcripts available.
video galleryVIDEO GALLERY View digitized videos of President Clinton from 1993-2000 giving speeches, signing bills, in presidential debates, inaugurations, and more.
Sonya Sotomayor Collection IconSONYA SOTOMAYOR COLLECTION Records concerning President Clinton’s 1997 nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Kagan Collection IconELENA KAGAN COLLECTION Files from her time working in the Domestic Policy Council and the Counsel’s Office in the White House. Includes email to and from Kagan.
PDD IconPRESIDENTIAL DECISION & REVIEW DIRECTIVES Decision and Review directives concerning
national security and U.S. foreign policy.
Photo Gallery IconPHOTO GALLERIES Speeches, events, bill signings, trips, and Clinton family photos. From 1992-2001. Historical Clinton family photos from 1950s to 1992.
Archived WebsitesARCHIVED CLINTON ADMIN. WEBSITES Archived versions of the first websites created by the Clinton Administration. Five different versions, from 1993-2001. WH Digital LibraryARCHIVED WHITE HOUSE LIBRARY White House documents, including Executive Orders, press briefings, and radio addresses. Originally published on Clinton Admin. websites.
Clinton Giving a SpeechSELECTED CLINTON SPEECHES & WRITINGS Oklahoma City bombing eulogy, remarks for the Church of God in Christ convocation, letter to Chris Webber and his response to People Magazine.  


Contact the Archives: Email us at clinton.library@nara.gov