Engaging Adolescent Males in Prevention


In May 2012, in recognition of teen pregnancy prevention month, OAH held an event to elevate the importance of engaging adolescent males in preventing teen pregnancies. Read more about the event here.

An estimated nine percent — or 900,000 — of young men between the ages of 12 and 16 will become fathers before their twentieth birthday, based on a recent survey.[20] Research and data collection efforts have tended to focus on female adolescents. As a result, less is known about the strategies and approaches for effectively engaging males in preventing teen pregnancies or even about their attitudes toward being a father. Clearly, the behavior of adolescent males is also central to preventing teenage pregnancy and childbearing.[21] Research and programs are increasing the focus on the role of males in teenage pregnancy and childrearing. During May 2012, OAH held an event, “Let’s Hear about the Boys: Engaging Adolescent Males in Teen Pregnancy Prevention” to elevate the importance of engaging adolescent males in preventing teen pregnancies. Read more about the event here.

In addition, some experts suggest that efforts to promote responsible sexual behavior need to incorporate ways for adolescents, both males and females, to develop the vital emotional and interpersonal skills necessary for successful relationships, as well as reduce some of the gender stereotypes that shape expectations about behavior.[22]

Last updated: September 27, 2012
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