Drywall Information Center

What should I do if I think my house has problem drywall?


Report the problem drywall to CPSC at www.SaferProducts.gov.

If your home has been confirmed to contain problem drywall, as outlined in our identification guidance (pdf), it can be remediated. CPSC and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) remediation guidance (pdf) calls for replacement of all: problem drywall; smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms; electrical distribution components, including receptacles, switches and circuit breakers, but not necessarily wiring; and fusible-type fire sprinkler heads. See our remediation guidance for more details.

Consider contacting your homebuilder and insurance company for assistance.

Consider contacting the IRS for possible tax relief.

Consider contacting your local property taxing authority for possible tax relief.

Check with your lender. Federal Housing Administration-approved mortgage lenders may offer forbearance for borrowers confronted with the sudden effects of damaging drywall in their homes.

Some homeowners have pursued relief through private lawsuits. (The CPSC is not a party to these lawsuits and does not provide information on whether or not this is appropriate to your circumstance.)

(This document was prepared by CPSC staff, and has not been reviewed or approved by, and may not necessarily reflect the views of, the Commission.)