U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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All blogs filed under Entitlements
  • A bipartisan appeal for comprehensive deficit reduction

    In order to get our fiscal house in order, both parties need to come together to pass a budget that deals comprehensively with our growing deficit. This was the message Senator Coons and sixty-two other senators from both sides of the aisle sent to the President today in a letter that can be read here in full.

    Chris and his colleagues are urging the President to lead a more comprehensive approach to deficit reduction based in part on the recommendations of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. These include tax reform, entitlement spending changes, and cuts to discretionary spending.

    “While we may not agree with every aspect of the Commission’s recommendations,” the bipartisan group of senators wrote, “we believe that its work represents an important foundation to achieve meaningful progress on our debt.” This is a message Chris has been repeating since taking office – that our challenges are interrelated, and we will need to approach the budget comprehensively in order to achieve real bipartisan solutions.

    In his maiden speech to the Senate in January, Chris similarly spoke of the need to address our greatest national challenges, such as unemployment, energy security, economic growth, and education access, comprehensively. “Our problems are interrelated,” he told his colleagues, “and the solutions must be as well.”

    Chris is committed to working with leaders of both parties to reach the necessary compromises that will get our budget in order, promote economic growth and job creation, and set our country on a path toward greater competitiveness.