Library of Congress


The Library of Congress > Teachers > Classroom Materials > Collection Connections > Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies

[Detail] Major-General Zachary Taylor--President of the United States. 1848.

Chronological Thinking

Mrs. Wilson

Mrs. Woodrow Wilson (Edith Bolling Galt). [between 1915 and 1921]

a) By using the Special Presentation: Time Line of Presidents and First Ladies, students can review a list of all the presidents and their terms in office. They will also be able to view a listing of all the first ladies. (The time line notes which first ladies are pictured in the collection.)

Students might choose images from the collection to illustrate a time line of presidents and first ladies from a particular period. Students can use other sources to identify historic and personal events during presidential terms.

Students will find, for example, that Woodrow Wilson was married twice. After his first wife, Ellen Axson Wilson, died, he married Edith Bolling Galt. Search on Edith Wilson for this portrait of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson.


President's Levee, or all Creation going to the White House. Crowd in front of White House during Andrew Jackson's first inaugural reception in 1828. [1841]

Wilson and wife riding to inauguration

Woodrow Wilson and wife riding to second inauguration in backseat of a convertible. [March 4th, 1917]

b) Students can develop a visual sense of changes through time by paying particular attention to clothing and transportation pictured in this collection. Students might compare the enlarged image of the crowd (or "all Creation," as the caption says) going to Andrew Jackson's first inauguration with the image of President and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson in a convertible going to Wilson's second inauguration.

Search on inauguration to find this image of the crowd attending Andrew Jackson's second inauguration in 1833.

Search on Woodrow Wilson to view the attire of President and Mrs. Wilson going to Wilson's second inauguration in 1917.
