Federal Communications Commission

Testing Broadband Speeds

June 21st, 2010 by Joel Gurin - Chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau

Here at the FCC, we've been working lately on new ways to measure broadband speed and help consumers understand it. We believe that consumers deserve to know what broadband speeds they need for different applications, from email to gaming; what the advertised speeds really mean; and whether they can be sure they're getting the speeds that are advertised. To that end, the FCC is partnering with SamKnows to conduct the first scientific, hardware-based test of broadband performance in America. To help us improve broadband quality in the U.S., volunteer at to sign up for this landmark test. The video below explains how it works and how you can get involved.

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Cross-posted on The Official FCC Blog.

4 Responses to “Testing Broadband Speeds”

  1. Matt says:

    How does the National Broadband Plan address Net Neutrality?

  2. Guest says:

    Where is the closed captions???

  3. Former Volunteer says:

    I've just asked for information on how to send my "white box" (which is actually black) back to where it came from. I never could get it to work and I got tired of the condescending tech no-support person. I've learned a few things in life, and one of them is to NEVER make a VOLUNTEER angry for no apparent reason. I was assured along the way that it was only me that had encountered installation problems. I was also told that a certain mega ISP's engineers had helped with the project. This would be the very ISP that has in three years never provided me with DSL in rainy or hot weather and at frequent other random times - how convenient having them involved. I respect the intentions here, but here in the trenches something smells terribly badly.

  4. Program Quitter says:

    I signed up for the TestMyISP program but it was a complete waste of time. There were no useful setup instructions, no tech support and the box did not appear to work at all. Then again, I'm just an Electrical Engineer, what do I know. I was more or less told that no one else had experienced difficulties and that it "should work". Gotta love big government - sorry, guys, but this program is a waste of time and effort and taxpayer money.

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Capture The Phone Numbers Using Your Camera Phone

If you have a camera and a 2D matrix code reader on your mobile phone, you can capture the FCC Phone numbers right to your phone by following these three easy steps:
Step 1: Take a photograph of one of the codes below using the camera on your mobile phone.
Step 2: Use your phone's Datamatrix or QR Code reader to decode the information on the photograph. Please note, these code readers are device specific and are available to download on the internet.
Step 3: Store the decoded address information to your phone's address book and use it with your Maps or GPS application.

Datamatrix and QR FCC Phones