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U.S. National Institutes of Health
Cancer Diagnosis Program Cancer Imaging Program Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program Developmental Therapeutics Program Radiation Research Program Translational Research Program Biometric Research Branch Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Last Updated: 04/25/2012


Radiation Bioterrorism Research and Training

RRP has organized an informal group, Radiation Bioterrorism Research and Train­ing (RABRAT), comprising representatives of federal agencies that have an interest in one or more aspects pertaining to radio­logical/nuclear terrorism: DHS, DoD, including the Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), DHHS, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), NIH (NCI, NIAID), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and the Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site. (REAC/TS). The purpose of RABRAT is to inform each other and coordinate activi­ties among agencies, to avoid both duplications and gaps in efforts and funding. This effort has been helpful in developing a strong collabora­tive climate for radiation experts working in government and for the extramural research and development communities.