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Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States

Special Considerations Regarding the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs by HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Their Infants

Combination Antiretroviral Drug Regimens and Pregnancy Outcome

(Last updated:7/31/2012; last reviewed:7/31/2012)

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Panel's Recommendation

  • Clinicians should be aware of a possible small increased risk of preterm birth in pregnant women receiving protease inhibitor (PI)-based combination antiretroviral regimens; however, given the clear benefits of such regimens for both a woman’s health and prevention of mother-to-child transmission, PIs should not be withheld for fear of altering pregnancy outcome (AII).

Rating of Recommendations: A = Strong; B = Moderate; C = Optional
Rating of Evidence: I = One or more randomized trials with clinical outcomes and/or validated laboratory endpoints; II = One or more well-designed, nonrandomized trials or observational cohort studies with long-term clinical outcomes; III = Expert opinion

Early data were conflicting as to whether receipt of combination antiretroviral (ARV) regimens during pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and, in particular, preterm delivery. The European Collaborative Study and the Swiss Mother + Child HIV Cohort Study investigated the effects of combination ARV regimens in a population of 3,920 mother-child pairs. Adjusting for CD4 T-lymphocyte (CD4-cell) count and intravenous drug use, they found a roughly twofold increase in the odds of preterm delivery for infants exposed to combination regimens with or without protease inhibitors (PIs) compared with no drugs; women receiving combination regimens that had been initiated before pregnancy were twice as likely to deliver prematurely as those who started drugs during the third trimester.1 However, PI-based combination regimens were received by only 108 (3%) of the women studied; confounding by severity or indication may have biased the results (that is, sicker women may have received PIs more often, but their advanced HIV infection may have actually caused the preterm births). Exposure to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) single-drug prophylaxis (primarily zidovudine) was not associated with prematurity.

An updated report from the European Collaborative Study, based on an adjusted analysis that included 2,279 mother-child pairs, found a 1.9-fold increased risk of delivery at less than 37 weeks with combination ARV regimens started during pregnancy and a 2.1-fold increased risk with combination ARV regimens started pre-pregnancy compared with mono- or dual-NRTI prophylaxis.2 In this report, 767 women received combination ARV regimens during pregnancy, although the proportion receiving PIs was not specified. The risk of delivery before 34 weeks’ gestation was increased by 2.5-fold for those starting combination ARV regimens during pregnancy and 4.4-fold for those entering pregnancy on combination ARV regimens.

In contrast, in an analysis of 7 prospective clinical studies that included 2,123 HIV-infected pregnant women who delivered infants between 1990 and 1998 and had received antenatal ARV regimens and 1,143 women who did not receive antenatal ARV drugs, the use of multiple ARV drugs compared with no drugs or treatment with 1 drug was not associated with increased rates of preterm birth, low birth weight, low Apgar scores, or stillbirth.3 Nor were any significant associations between adverse pregnancy outcome and use of ARV drugs by class or by category (including combination ARV regimens) found in an analysis from the Women and Infants Transmission Study, including 2,543 HIV-infected women (some of whom were included in the previous meta-analysis).4

More recent data have continued to be conflicting as to whether preterm delivery is increased with combination ARV regimens. Table 7 reviews results from studies that have evaluated the association of ARV drug use during pregnancy and preterm delivery. Multiple studies have detected small but significant increases (odds ratio [OR] 1.2–1.8 in the largest studies) in preterm birth with PI- or non-PI-based combination ARV regimens as well.5-8 However, other recent studies that have controlled for maternal and pregnancy characteristics as well as factors related to HIV infection have shown no increase in adverse outcomes including preterm delivery and low birth weight in association with PI-containing drug regimens.9-11 A meta-analysis of 14 European and American clinical studies found no increase in risk of preterm birth with either any ARV drug receipt compared with no drugs or combination ARV regimens including PIs compared with no drugs.12 However, a significant but modest increased risk of preterm birth (OR 1.35; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08–1.70) was found in women who received combination regimens with PIs compared with combination regimens without PIs. Other reports have found increased rates of preterm birth when combination ARV regimens are compared with dual regimens13 and when combination ARV regimens containing non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors were compared with other combination ARV regimens.14

Other variables may confound these observational studies. Some studies have found increased rates of preterm birth if a combination ARV regimen is begun before conception or earlier in pregnancy compared with later during pregnancy, which itself may reflect confounding by severity or indication.14,15 Recent studies have assessed spontaneous preterm birth only, excluding delivery that was initiated at a preterm gestation because of medical or obstetrical reasons, and found no association between ARV and preterm birth.16,17 In an analysis of HIV-infected women enrolled in the ANRS French Perinatal Cohort from 1990 to 2009, preterm delivery rates were seen to increase over time, and preterm delivery was associated with combination ARV regimens versus either mono- or dual-ARV regimens and were highest in those who had initiated ARV before pregnancy.18 A restricted analysis within this cohort of PI-based combination ARV regimens comparing boosted to unboosted PIs showed an association with induced preterm delivery for boosted PI regimens (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 2.03; 95% CI, 2.06–3.89) that was not seen with spontaneous preterm birth. Boosted PI regimens were also associated with both medical and obstetrical complications, raising the possibility that the association with induced preterm delivery was mediated through these complications.

A secondary analyses of data collected during a randomized, controlled clinical trial conducted in Botswana in women with CD4 T-lymphocyte counts >200 cells/mm3—267 randomized to receive lopinavir/ritonavir/zidovudine/lamivudine (PI group) and 263 randomized to receive abacavir/zidovudine/lamivudine (NRTI group) begun between 26 and 34 weeks’ gestation for prevention of mother-to-child transmission and not for maternal health indications—did show an association between PI-containing ARV regimens and preterm delivery. In logistic regression analysis, use of combination PI-based ARV regimens was the most significant risk factor for preterm delivery (OR 2.03; 95% CI, 1.26–3.27).19 Those receiving the latest initiation of ARV drugs had the highest preterm delivery rates. However the 20% background rate for preterm delivery in this population was not different from that seen in the PI group, and there was no difference between the 2 groups in neonatal morbidity and mortality. An observational study also from Botswana found that use of combination ARV regimens from before conception was not associated with very preterm delivery (AOR 0.78), which could not be assessed in the controlled clinical trial.20

Clinicians should be aware of a possible increased risk of preterm birth with use of combination ARV drug regimens; however, given the clear benefits for maternal health and reduction in perinatal transmission, these agents should not be withheld because of the possibility of increased risk of preterm delivery. Until more information is known, HIV-infected pregnant women who are receiving combination regimens for treatment of their HIV infection should continue their provider-recommended regimens. They should receive careful, regular monitoring for pregnancy complications and for potential toxicities.

Table 7. Results of Studies Assessing Association Between Antiretroviral Regimens and Preterm Delivery
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Dates of Study/

Total Number of Pregnancies/
Total on
ARV Drugs

Types of ARV Regimens Compared (Numbers)

Association Noted Between PI-Containing or Other Multi-ARV Regimens and PTD 

Special Notes

European Collaborative + Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study
3,920/896 Mono (573)
Multi, no PI (215)
PI-multi (108)
YES (compared with no ARV)
Multi: 1.82 (1.13–2.92)
PI-multi: 2.60 (1.43–4.7)
  • Increase in PTD if ARV begun before pregnancy versus in third trimester
United States
3,266/2,123 Mono (1,590)
Multi (396)
PI-multi (137)
NO (compared with mono)
Multi: 0.95 (0.60–1.48)
PI-multi: 1.45 (0.81–2.50)
  • 7 prospective clinical studies
European Collaborative Study
4,372/2,033 Mono (704)
Dual (254)
Multi (1,075)
YES (compared with mono/dual)
Multi in pregnancy: 1.88 (1.34–2.65)
Multi prepregnancy: 2.05 (1.43–2.95)
United States
2,543/not given

Early (<25 weeks):
Mono (621)
Multi (≥2 without PI or NNRTI) (198)
Multi (with PI or NNRTI) (357)

Late (≥32 weeks):
Mono (932)
Multi (≥2 without PI or NNRTI) (258)
Multi (with PI or NNRTI) (588)

NO (compared with mono)
No association between any ARV and PTD
  • PTD decreased with ARV compared with no ARV
United States
1,337/999 Mono (492)
Multi (373)
PI-multi (134)
YES (compared with other multi)
PI-multi: 1.8 (1.1–3.03)
  • PI-multi reserved for advanced disease, those who failed other multi-ARV regimens
Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Bahamas
681/681 Mono/dual NRTI (94)
Multi-NNRTI (257)
Multi-PI (330)
NO (compared with mono/dual NRTI)
No association between any ARV regimen and PTD
  • All on ARV for at least 28 days during pregnancy
  • Preeclampsia/eclampsia, cesarean delivery, diabetes, low BMI associated with PTD
Meta-analysis, Europe and United States
11,224/not given Multi-no PI [including dual] or multi-PI (2,556) YES (only comparing PI with multi)
PI versus multi no PI: 1.35 (1.08–1.70)
  • 14 studies, 5 in PTD-ARV comparison
  • No overall increase in PTD with antepartum ARV
  • PTD increased in those on ARV pre-pregnancy and in first trimester compared with later use
419/366 Multi-PI second trimester (97)
Multi-PI third trimester (146)
Multi-PI second trimester:
2.24 (1.22–4.12)
Multi-PI third trimester:
2.81 (1.46–5.39)
  • Multivariate association also with hepatitis C
United States
8,793/6,228 Mono (2,621)
Dual (1,044)
Multi-no PI (1,781)
Multi-PI (782)
YES (compared with dual)
Multi-PI associated with PTD 1.21 (1.04–1.40)
  • Lack of antepartum ARV also associated with PTD
  • PTD and low birth weight decreased over time
United Kingdom, Ireland
5,009/4,445 Mono/dual (1,061)
Multi-NNRTI or Multi-PI (3,384)
YES (compared with mono/dual)
Multi: 1.51 (1.19–1.93)
  • Similar increased risk with PI or no-PI multi
  • No association with duration of use
Germany, Austria
183/183 Mono (77)
Dual (31)
Multi-PI (21)
Multi-NNRTI (54)
YES (compared with mono)
Multi-PI: 3.40 (1.13–10.2)
United States
777/777 Mono (6)
Dual (11)
Multi, no PI (202)
Multi-PI (558)
NO (compared PI with all non-PI)
Multi-PI: 1.22 (0.70–2.12)
  • All started ARV during pregnancy
  • Analyzed only spontaneous PTD
Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study
1,180/941 Mono (94)
Dual (53)
Multi (PI or no PI) (409)
Multi-PI (385)
YES (compared with no ARV)
Multi: 2.5 (1.4–4.3)
  • No association mono/dual with PTD compared with no ARV
  • No confounding by duration of ARV or maternal risk factors
530/530 Lopinavir/ritonavir +zidovudine
+lamivudine (267)
+lamivudine (263)
Multi-PI versus multi-NRTI: 2.03 (1.26–3.27)
  • Secondary analysis of data from randomized, controlled clinical trial of ARV begun 26–34 weeks for MTCT prevention
  • All CD4-cell counts >200 cells/mm3
4,347/3,659 ARV, regimen unspecified (70) Mono (2,473)
Multi, 91% NNRTI (1,116)
No association between multi-ART and very PTD (<32 weeks gestation)
  • Observational multi-ART before conception associated with very small for gestational age and maternal hypertension during pregnancy
803/739 Mono/dual (32)
Multi-no PI (281)
Multi-PI (426)
No association between ARV and PTD
  • Greatest PTD risk if no antepartum ARV received
519/371 Mono/dual NRTI (73)
All multi (298)
Multi-PI (178)
NO (compared with no ARV + mono/dual)
  • Spontaneous PTD not associated with multi-ARV or multi-PI before or during pregnancy
  • Iatrogenic PTD associated with multi-ARV given in second half of pregnancy and prior PTD
Key to Abbreviations: ARV = antiretroviral, BMI = body mass index, dual = two ARV drugs, mono = single ARV drug, MTCT = mother-to-child transmission, multi = three or more ARV drugs, multi-PI = combination ARV with PI, NNRTI = non-nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor, NRTI = nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitor, PI = protease inhibitor, PTD = preterm delivery


  1. European Collaborative Study, Swiss Mother andChild HIV Cohort Study. Combination antiretroviral therapy and duration of pregnancy. AIDS. Dec 22 2000;14(18):2913-2920. Available at
  2. Thorne C, Patel D, Newell ML. Increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in HIV-infected women treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy in Europe. AIDS. Nov 19 2004;18(17):2337-2339. Available at
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