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HIV/AIDS Health Topics

A - Z Index

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Staying Healthy with HIV: Nutrition/Food Safety HTML

Source: United States Department of Agriculture

Website with an interactive tool to help develop a healthy personal eating plan. Includes an online dietary and physical activity assessment tool, related nutrition messages, and links to nutrient and physical activity information.

Diet and Disease - AIDS/HIV HTML

Source: United States Department of Agriculture

Links to nutrition resources for HIV-infected individuals, including general information, drug/nutrient interactions, wasting syndrome resources, exercise resources, and food safety information.

Diet and Nutrition for People with HIV HTML

Source: United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Information on nutrition for people infected with HIV, including information on how to maintain an appetite and food safety guidelines.

Eating Defensively: Food Safety Advice for Persons with AIDS HTML

Source: U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Information on food safety for individuals with HIV/AIDS, with topics such as food poisoning, food shopping, eating at restaurants, and traveling abroad.

Food Safety for People with HIV/AIDS HTML

Source: United States Department of Agriculture

Booklet that provides practical guidance on ways to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses.

MMWR: Premastication of Food by Caregivers of HIV-Exposed Children --- Nine U.S. Sites, 2009--2010 HTML

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Report containing information on the prevalence of premastication (i.e., chewing food or medicine before feeding it to a child) by caregivers of HIV-exposed children.

Preventing Infections During Travel HTML

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Information for HIV-infected individuals on how to prepare for travel and what precautions should be considered to prevent other infections while traveling.

Safe Food and Water HTML

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Information about precautions HIV-infected individuals should take into consideration regarding drinking water and the purchasing and preparing of food.