Information Clearinghouse

The Information Clearinghouse is undergoing a mananagement change.  New content will not be approved until this transition period is over.  You may still search within the clearinghouse.  Thank you for your patience and check back soon!

The 9-1-1 Information Clearinghouse is a service of the 9-1-1 Resource Center. The Clearinghouse contains collection of documents, articles and other resources related to 9-1-1 and emergency services. The Clearinghouse will make technical, operational and policy information available; address frequently asked questions; provide the latest information on new technologies, wireless deployment and Next Generation 9-1-1; and provide information to facilitate improved Public Safety Answering Point operations.

Search the Clearinghouse by entering keywords into the main search bar or by using the advanced search link.

Submit New Content

Each piece of content uploaded to the Information Clearinghouse goes through an approval process. This approval process is run by the Content Oversight Panel (COP). To view the Minutes for each COP meeting, go Click Here

An overview of the COP Review process and guidelines for uploading content is coming soon!

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