

The urge to smoke will come and go. Plan how to handle cravings before they hit. The best plan is to AVOID the people, places, and things that trigger the urge to smoke. But for the times that you can’t avoid triggers, there are things that you can do to make the craving pass more quickly. You can always try to wait it out, but have some other strategies ready. For example:


  1. Play telephone. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or 1-877-44U-QUIT to talk to an expert about quitting smoking. It’s free and can help you get all your questions answered and tips to help you quit. You don’t have to do this alone.
  2. The Waiting Game. Wait 15 minutes. Cravings only last a few minutes, so wait it out by reading a magazine, listening to your favorite song, or beating your highest score on your favorite game.
  3. Run up the stairs. Spend a few minutes running up and down the stairs. Gasping for breath afterwards will be a good reminder of why you want to be smokefree.
  4. Starve the craving. Just one puff will feed the cravings and make them stronger.  Remind yourself why you want to be Smokefree. Review your reasons for wanting to be smokefree while you wait for your craving to pass.
  5. Go to a smokefree zone. Go hang out somewhere you’re not allowed to smoke. Go to a movie, a store, or any other smokefree public place. Easier and easier to find these days so use these places to help you be smokefree.
  6. Think of the money you’re saving. It's no secret that cigarettes are expensive and they're not getting any cheaper. Distract yourself during your craving by adding up all the money you’re saving and think about the awesome stuff you'll be able to buy with it!
  7. Bum a stick of gum. Instead of bumming a cigarette, ask for a stick of gum. You can still strike up a conversation, keep your mouth busy, and stay smokefree.
  8. Mix it up! Stop whatever you’re doing and do something else. Certain people, places, things, or situations can make you want to light up. Avoid the temptation to smoke by doing something else for a few minutes.
  9. Call for reinforcements. Touch base with a friend or family member while you resist the craving. Chat on the phone, share a few laughs, or share the struggles.  You don’t have to do this alone.
  10. Fight the urge. Bust out some kickboxing moves and imagine your craving as your opponent. Punch, kick, or jab until you beat your craving (search YouTube for kickboxing moves if you need ideas)!
  11. Beat your best score. Cravings only last a few minutes, so get through it by trying to beat your highest score on your favorite game. If you’ve already done that, download a new game and try to beat the highest score.
  12. Tie your hands up. No, not literally! Find an activity that requires both of your hands. Paint your fingernails or pop in your favorite PS3 game.
  13. Tell yourself N.O.P.E (Not One Puff Ever!). Say it loud, say it proud! Taking one puff leads to another, and another, and another….you get the picture. So when a craving hits, just say N.O.P.E!
  14. BREATHE! It sounds lame, but your brain requires the right amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide to think clearly. Breathe through your craving by inhaling (through your nose) and exhaling (through your mouth), then repeat 10 times. Now that you’re thinking clearly, do you really want that cigarette?
  15. Give yourself a pep talk- Psych yourself up by telling yourself how awesome you are and that you can get through your craving. If that’s not your style, have a pep rally instead. Play a song that gets your all hyped up and empowers you to beat your craving.


Every time you resist the urge to smoke, your cravings get a little weaker. Plan ahead and stick to your smokefree plan!