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    Search Patent Reports

Note: The search fields on this page are all optional. Use any desired combination of the fields to perform the patent report search.

  1. Select Main Menu | Search/Modify Existing Patent Reports to access the Patent Report Search - Search For iEdison Patent Report page.
  2. Enter the desired 'Patent-Specific Parameters' or 'Invention Report Parameters' for your search, noting the following:
    • Your search will encompass all of the patent reports from your organization and from other grantee and contractor organizations if they have chosen to give your organization permission to view specific invention/patent reports.
    • Any combination of parameters may be used in a report search.
  3. Click Submit to enter the search, and the 'Patent Report Search' screen will appear with your 'Patent Search Results'.
  4. A list of patent reports matching the search parameters will be displayed.
  5. Note the following information about the Patent Search Results list:
    • The data fields displayed in the Patent search results will vary based on search criteria provided.
    • The Patent search results may be sorted in ascending or descending order (e.g., Invention Report Number, Invention Title, Patent Docket Number, Invention Report Date and Grantee Organization).
    • Click Modify Patent Report to view or make modifications to the selected patent report. The Modify Patent Report - Patent Report Form page is displayed. See Add/Modify Patent Reports for more information regarding modifying patent reports.
  Field Definitions - Patent Specific Parameters
Patent Docket Number

The Patent Docket Number field is provided for the convenience of iEdison users. The field can be used for a unique identifier designated by the organization to help track a reported Patent record internally. Any combination of numbers and letters may be used for the Patent docket number. If no Patent docket number is provided, the iEdison system will use the last 6 digits of the Invention Report number followed by a hyphen and a 2 digit serial number, as the Patent Docket Number. The Patent Docket Number can be modified by the User.

Provisional Patent Application Number (60 or 61 or 62/###,###)

The provisional patent application number is used to uniquely identify a provisional patent application. The format for this field is 60, 61 or 62/###,###.

The provisional application provides a mechanism for applicants to quickly establish an effective filing date in a patent application that establishes a constructive reduction to practice for any invention described in the provisional application. A provisional patent application will go abandoned by law one year after filing. To continue protection the provisional application must be converted to a non-provisional application. The filing of a provisional patent application DOES NOT fulfill requirements in 37 CFR 401.14 (c)(3) for submission of an initial patent application within one year of election of title. Compliance with this regulation requires submission of a non-provisional patent application.

PCT Patent Application Number (PCT/AA##/#####)

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patent application number is used to uniquely identify a PCT type patent application. The format for this field is PCT/AA####/###### (where AA#### is a two character country code followed by a four digit year of filing). An example of a PCT application number is PCT/US1995/012345.

The PCT offers the advantage of one international patent application that seeks patent protection for an invention in a large number of countries. The PCT application has the effect of a national patent application in those PCT contracting states designated in the application when pursued at the national stage. The filing of a PCT DOES NOT fulfill requirements found in 37 CFR 401.14 (c)(3) for submission of an initial patent application within one year of election of title, unless US is pursued at the national phase of prosecution.

Non-Provisional Patent Application Number
(06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10 or 11 or 12/###,###)

The non-provisional patent application number is used to uniquely identify a non-provisional patent application. In the change in U.S. Patent law in 1996, the non-provisional patent application number was referred to as the patent application serial number.

The format for this field is 06 or 07 or 08 or 09 or 10 or 11 or 12/###,###.

Unlike the provisional patent application, the non-provisional patent application contains information that is examined and serves as the basis for which the terms of patent protection are measured. The filing and reporting of a non-provisional patent application DOES fulfill requirements in 37 CFR 401.14 (c)(3) and (f)(6) for submission of an initial patent application within one year of election of title.

Patent Number

The patent number uniquely identifies the patent issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

See Help with Formats - Patent Number for valid patent number formats.

U.S. Patent Title

The U.S. patent title indicates the exact title of the U.S. patent or patent application listed in the patent record as submitted by the institution. The iEdison system will automatically populate the U.S. patent title with the title of the associated Invention Report. If the title has changed during prosecution of the patent, the U.S. Patent Title field should be modified by the institution to reflect the most current title of the associated patent filing. Both upper and lower case letters may be used in the field.

Inventor Name (First)
Inventor Name (Last)

The inventor fields reflect the full name of each inventor associated with the patent filing. The iEdison system will automatically populate the inventor fields with the names of the inventors listed in the associated Invention Report. The field is editable and maybe be modified if different or additional inventors have been added to or not included in the patent application. Both upper and lower case letters may be used in the field.

The iEdison system allows up to 12 inventors to be associated with a patent filing.

Filing Date of the Provisional Patent Application (mm/dd/yyyy)

This field is used for the filing date of the provisional patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy and cannot be before June 8, 1995.

Filing Date of the Non-Provisional Patent Application (mm/dd/yyyy)

This field is used for either the filing date of the non-provisional patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office or to indicate the date of the U.S. national stage commencement for a patent filing that derives from a PCT filing.

The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

Filing Date of the PCT Patent Application (mm/dd/yyyy)

This field is used for the filing date of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

Patent Issue Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

This field is used for the patent issue date located on the upper right-hand corner of the issued US patent.

The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

  Invention Disclosure Field Definitions
Invention Report Number

The Invention Report number is automatically generated by the iEdison system for a new Invention Report after data has been submitted. Once an Invention Report has been created, the Invention Report number field cannot be modified by the organization. Reference the Invention Report number in any e-mail or correspondence to the awarding agency.

Invention Docket Number

The Invention Docket Number field is provided for the convenience of iEdison users for any unique identifiers used to track the organization's Invention Reports. Any combination of numbers and letters may be used for an invention docket number. If a docket number is not provided, the iEdison system sets the value equal to the last 6 digits of the Invention Report number. The Invention Docket Number field may be modified.

Invention Title

This field is used for the title of the invention as it appears in the employee's Invention Report to the reporting organization.

Invention Keyword

The Invention Keyword field is optional. It enables the Grantee or Contractor Organization to categorize Invention Reports.

The iEdison system allows up to 12 keywords to be associated with each Invention Report.

Invention Report Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

The Invention Report date is the date that the invention was initially reported to the government. The format for this field is mm/dd/yyyy.

Reporting this date and the corresponding invention to the government does not constitute a public disclosure. The reporting organization has two-years from this date to elect title to the invention 37CFR Part 401.14(c)(2).

Inventor Name (First)
Inventor Name (Last)

The inventor fields are used to report the full name of each inventor associated with the invention. Any combination of upper and lower case letters may be used in this field. The iEdison system allows up to 12 inventors to be associated with each Invention Report.

Invention Reports are searchable by Inventors first and last name. Using an Inventor's full name when creating an Invention Report e.g. Andrew Smith will yield more accurate results when searching Invention Reports by Inventors.

Grant/Contract Number

For each supporting agency, the corresponding grant or contract number must be provided. Each participating agency has its own formats for grants or contracts. Look at Notice of Award or Contract for the award number. The number must be entered exactly as it appears on the Notice of Award or Contract.

Agency Designation

Each Invention Report in the iEdison system must include a primary agency. If the invention has been supported by additional federal agencies, the iEdison system allows this to also be reported.

For Agency Designations see Agency Contacts at

Invention Status

The invention status reflects the current status of the title to rights to the Invention Report as of today's date. Select the most appropriate status.

Not Elect Title Reason

Indicates why the grantee or contractor has chosen not to elect to retain title to the associated invention.

Not Elect Title Other Reason

If the grantee or contractor has not elected to retain title to the invention for reasons other than those available from the list, a brief description of the "other" reason for non-election should be entered in the field provided.

Name of Third Party to Which Title is Waived

This field allows the grantee or contractor, having chosen to waive rights to the invention, to identify the third party assuming the rights.

    See Also

Generate Invention Assignments Report
Generate Invention Report
Generate Patent Report
Generate Reports
Search Documents
Search Invention Reports



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