Target Business Model

Target Business Model

Information Technology Agency’s (ITA) goals are service quality, effectiveness, and value. Making good on these goals requires ITA to think imaginatively and resourcefully about how best to bring forward its offerings to customers.

The foundation of ITA’s target Business Architecture is a layered service model. This model reflects service interdependencies and the recognition that many ITA functions necessary to deliver Information Technology (IT) services are transparent to our customers. ITA is in the process of transitioning to a structure that supports the layered service model. This requires significant change: from organizational alignment around services (or lines of business) to alignment around functions. This change reflects the current best practices of commercial service providers. Telephone, cable, and internet service providers are all moving toward converged services. Under this concept, a basic service of connectivity is offered, and other services that build upon that connectivity are “bundled” in flexible ways and offered as sets of services to customers.

ITA’s target business model includes migration to a funding model where resources come from a combination of appropriated funds and fees charged to customers for Core, Elective, and Operations Support services. Customers will be charged only for the services actually used, resulting in more equitable charges. Some services will be funded through direct appropriation as part of the Army budget, and some services will be reimbursed by the customer on a “fee-for-service” basis. For this to occur, ITA must operate as an independent entity with all costs – including support costs – defined and managed. As ITA works to meet these long term strategic goals, a primary focus will be to uphold the service quality our customers are accustomed to while remaining committed to continuous process improvement.

Service Level Management (SLM)

Another key aspect of ITA’s vision is the centralization of IT service management functions. The adoption of a structured Service Level Management (SLM) capability will align service delivery with ITA business objectives. ITA will ultimately be able to provide customers with the same IT services to which they are accustomed, while maintaining strong accountability regarding service level objectives.

ITA will ensure efficient monitoring of IT service levels through Service Level Agreements (SLAs). ITA will review service performance to ensure service quality is maintained and, whenever possible, improved.